About gfr robots

With four remarkable years of advanced Industrial Automation and Robotics experience, we automate Homes, Healthcare, Industries, and Earth, with the highest efficacy, to change the world for the better.

Our Team

In this competition-driven world, we upbring a sense of family and unity in our team.

We together build meaningful projects that bring positive change for a better today and tomorrow.

What We Do

Automating Homes

Developing smart home technologies that enhance convenience and security.

Automating Healthcare

Innovating solutions to improve patient care and automate medical processes.

Automating Industries

Innovating hyper-optimal solutions for industrial problems.

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Automating Earth

Implementing systems to promote sustainability and environmental protection.

Our Vision


Building efficient robots that solve societal, agricultural, healthcare and domestic problems with highest efficacy.


Developing purely automated systems for human-driven domains, thereby easing service, and acing service quality and customer quantity.


We create robots that will love you, play with you, cook for you, clean for you and teach you about the vast universe!